Wealth Manager is a Category II licenced Discretionary Investment Manager and Financial Services Provider licence number 12836. Below is a Copy of our Licence and the Products approved.
Wealth Manager is in a position to create a “bespoke portfolio” for investors whom have discretionary funds i.e. Proceeds of the sale of all assets of a “ discretionary nature “ as well as Retirement Annuities, Pension Funds or Provident Funds or so called “compulsory investments”. These portfolios are managed according to a strict Investment Policy Mandate and monitored to ensure compliance with the mandate. We are also able to provide a choice of three Risk profiled Wrap Funds which are all Regulation 28 compliant.
Wealth Manager is able to offer investors access to all three of our Regulation 28 compliant Wrap Fund portfolios. These portfolios are approved for investment by Pension, Provident funds and Living Annuity vehicles as well as Preservation Funds. Via our preferred provider -clients in Pension funds or Provident Funds are able to migrate their entire portfolio free of transfer costs and fees to the appropriate investment vehicle both pre and post retirement, thus ensuring a seamless transition from one investment vehicle to another without being disinvested and saving on initial advisor fees and administration fees. Discretionary – Wealth Manager is a Category II licenced Discretionary Investment Manager and Financial Services Provider licence number 12836.